Category: Uncategorized

  • Back at it!

    Hello everybody! We’ve finally sorted through the mess of rebuilding after the flood and have resumed work on Fiber Club! It’s been a long few months and we really appreciate your patience and understanding while we dealt with contractors, FEMA and lawyers. In Fiber Club news, we’ve continued work on the Designer Portal and have…

  • Personal Update – Flood

    Hi Everyone, On Monday, January 22nd, a once in a ‘thousand-year-storm’ caused a flash flood that destroyed the homes of many San Diegans, us included. We’ve had to take an unexpected hiatus from Fiber Club while we salvage as much as we can and fix our home. We’ve had a lot of sleepless nights and…

  • Listings and Patterns

    We rang in the New Year with Fiber Club and here’s what we’ve been working on the last couple of weeks: That marks our first couple weeks in 2024 and we can’t wait to continue building out the Designer Portal. As always, thank you for sticking with us and we’ll talk soon.

  • Designer Enrollment Workflows

    We made a lot of updates to the enrollment statuses and were able to finish the workflows for Accepted, Rejected, and Updates Required. Once a designer submits their enrollment, their enrollment goes into a process for review on the Fiber Club Admin panel. From there, the reviewer will be able to select a status and…

  • Designer Enrollment Functionality

    Going into December, we’ve continued to make progress on the Designer Portal, focusing on a number of different things aimed to make the enrollment experience efficient and user-friendly. We’ve added a lot of functionality to the enrollment process itself – being able to submit an enrollment, view the status, the ability to retract, and a…

  • Sign-ins and Small Batch Work

    Our focus since we last spoke has been on the sign-in experience on the Designer Portal. We’ve updated the credentials so that after you sign in, your username and email are automatically shown. That way, it’s very clear that you’ve signed into the correct account and can proceed with updating your listings. In addition, we…