• Subscriptions, Ads, and Differentiators

    Choosing your revenue stream(s) determines what kind of business you want to run. There are a myriad of ways to potentially earn money but success comes from implementing the right tools and business model for your company. For Fiber Club, Rommel and I have decided to pursue an optional subscription and ad based model.   What’s…

  • Pattern Sales Model

    When I asked Rommel if he would help me build a new fiber platform I assumed that pattern sales would generate enough money to keep us afloat. And even if it didn’t, I wasn’t concerned about the consequences too much at the time. He asked me to create a business plan but I couldn’t find…

  • New Year, Same Fiber Club

    We were hoping to release the first version of Fiber Club by the end of March 2021 to accommodate for Ravelry getting rid of the “classic” version of their website. However, looking at the list of things we need to accomplish before release and counting down the days before March approaches, it seems like we…

  • Under the hood of Fiber Club

    Hi 👋, Rommel here. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m the second founder of Fiber Club and in charge of all the technical details. In this blog post, I wanted to give a brief background on what I’ve been working on the past two weeks and how it’s going to relate to…

  • Alpha Testing and Spam

    The testing process went relatively smoothly which was a relief. We got off to a bit of a rocky start because we didn’t expect a delay from the Android Play Store. A side effect of COVID-19 was that the approval process for the Android Play Store took much longer than normal and for us that…

  • Alpha Testing + Who is Missing?

    Our top priority lately has been getting everything ready for our first round of testing. We are planning on reaching out to a handful of testers this coming week and scheduling observational interviews before the end of the month. We hope to accomplish a few things with these tests: We have a clear path for…