Alpha Testing and Spam

The testing process went relatively smoothly which was a relief. We got off to a bit of a rocky start because we didn’t expect a delay from the Android Play Store. A side effect of COVID-19 was that the approval process for the Android Play Store took much longer than normal and for us that translated to almost a full week before we could move forward! After the approval came through, we were good to go so the interviews were then scheduled.

We had six scheduled interviews to receive feedback and initial thoughts. The first 10-15 minutes of the interview consisted of general questions about how people discover and buy patterns. The next few minutes were to get first impressions of the app, then we transitioned into tasks and assumptions of the design. We wrapped up each interview with general thoughts and what they liked or found confusing about the design so far.

Each interview was different and brought various needs to the table. The things that people picked up on and expanded on were all unique and it was interesting to conduct the same interview but receive such varying results. This process was immensely helpful in understanding how potential users would navigate the app and in pinpointing areas that needed the most improvement.

A big thank you to all of our testers and Zen for helping us with the initial alpha test! The next step is to map all of the ideas from the interview sessions and determine priority for fixes. We would also like to move forward with the next big segment of the app, which will be understanding designer’s needs in uploading patterns.

In other news, it seems that email marketing is quite tricky to figure out and we continue to face email related issues. Since the last update we were notified that some of our emails might be ending up in the spam folder. If you’re not seeing the newsletter, make sure to add us to your contacts so it lands in your inbox! And if you do see us in spam, we’d really appreciate if you could mark the email as not spam as it will help with our email reputation. 🙂

To those that will be celebrating this week – Happy Thanksgiving. Be safe out there!

Originally posted on November 23, 2020.



