New Year, Same Fiber Club

We were hoping to release the first version of Fiber Club by the end of March 2021 to accommodate for Ravelry getting rid of the “classic” version of their website. However, looking at the list of things we need to accomplish before release and counting down the days before March approaches, it seems like we might run out of time. On top of working on Fiber Club outside of our full time jobs, we are also caregivers to a family member whose health continues to decline, and dealing with mental exhaustion from work and the events of 2020. Our pace is slower than we anticipated and we’ve had to come to terms with the reality of how much we can actually get done for Fiber Club.

We’ve continued to work on getting the app up and running, and things have started to come together slowly but surely. Rommel and I have slightly shifted our focus recently to formalizing Fiber Club into a business. In addition to that, we are in the process of finally coming up with a business plan and trying to gauge how much revenue the app could generate. We’re unsure if we will actually be able to profit off of pattern sales alone so we are looking into other ways to monetize the app as well.

Thank you for your continued support of us and this endeavor. 2020 was an incredibly difficult year but starting Fiber Club and finding this community has been wonderful. We appreciate you!

Originally posted on January 11, 2021.



