• Diving into Accessibility

    Hello! Even with the holidays and a swirl of personal, familial, and world happenings, we are happy to report that we’ve made it to the Settings & Accessibility Milestone! It feels like a long time coming and it’s exciting that we’re finally here. With all the other milestones it was more or less clear what…

  • Slow and Steady

    It’s wild that we started this journey in the summer of 2020. With a global pandemic, an American president inciting violence, and the murder of George Floyd, it felt like the world was ending. With so much chaos, crafting was more necessary than ever. Either as a means of escape, self-soothing, activism, or a million…

  • Finances + Company Update

    Let’s talk finances! (Since we live in the United States, all monetary figures are in USD.) Our pool of money came from generous donations through the GoFundMe we held last year as well as monthly Patreon payouts. Currently we have about $8,400 that we will continue saving for the time being. Fiber Club expenses are…

  • Gearing Up for the Last Milestone

    We are one step closer to launch with each passing milestone. Currently we have cleared 3 of 5 and are almost done with the 4th – Search and Filter. While the first three milestones went smoothly, we hit a couple snags with the Search and Filter milestone. The first snag we encountered was with setting…

  • Milestones

    Hello everyone! It’s been a while. We have been working hard behind the scenes so let’s catch up. 🙂 Rommel suggested we make milestones to mark our progress towards the app. So we have 5 sections. With these milestones it makes it easy to focus on one part of the app and also celebrate once…

  • The Chicken or the Egg?

    In discussing the MVP (Minimal Viable Product), Rommel and I realized it was still too much. We want to release Fiber Club as quickly as possible and in order to do so, we have to hyper-focus on one user persona and their needs. What is a user persona? A user persona is a fictional representation…