• Beginning Designer Enrollment Process

    When we first started Fiber Club, we envisioned building a community of like-minded individuals all interested in knit and crochet patterns. As part of that community, one of the concrete items we’ve started working on is the designer verification system. This is the system we will use to verify designers, as well as review their…

  • Designer Portal Navigation

    Since we last spoke, we have continued work on the designer portal. Last time, we finished the sign in functionality, and this time, we will go into the designer portal navigation, sign out functionality, NextJS update, and more. The majority of the work has been in designing the navigation layout for the signed in user.…

  • Sign in, sign up, reset

    In the past week, we worked on the authorization routes for the designer portal. You now have the ability to sign in, sign up, and reset your password if you forgot it. We also added an automatic redirect that kicks you to the sign in page if you try to access a page that you…

  • We have a dev site!

    Since we’ve started work on the designer portal, we realized we needed a way to work on features without breaking the site directly. Similar to the development version of the Fiber Club app, we implemented a separate dev site at dev.fiber.club for the designer portal. This site has the same features of the main site,…

  • Setting up with NextJS

    For the past few weeks we’ve been focused on setting up the Fiber Club website (fiber.club) with the technology that we will be using for creating the designer portal. This was an important step because this technology (NextJS) enables a faster website, better SEO, improved accessibility, and other improvements that will ultimately translate to a…

  • August Update

    At the beginning of August, we sent the mobile beta to more iOS and Android users. An Android user let us know that they couldn’t download patterns, which turned out to be a permission issue. The latest builds on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store for beta testers should have this issue resolved.…