Updates on Updates

I was curious to see how often people want Fiber Club updates so I posted a couple of polls on Instagram and it seems the preferred amount of communication is shorter & more frequent. To accommodate this, I will start posting updates every other week.

Along with the blog, email, Patreon and IG updates, I will also post on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Twitter will be for quick bullet point updates whereas YouTube will contain longer videos. I likely won’t have time to do all of the updates on the same day, so I am currently planning on submitting updates to Patreon on Sunday, the blog/email/FB updates on Monday, IG/Twitter updates on Tuesday, and YouTube updates on Wednesday. Please note things might be delayed or released sooner depending on my schedule. 🙂

Rommel and I went back on forth on buying the fibre.club domain because it’s not essential to our release and costs more money. However I thought it could pose an issue further down the line if not dealt with now so we did decide to buy that domain as well. Nothing is set up on that site but eventually we will be redirecting all traffic from fibre.club to fiber.club.

We’ve been working with Friday of @stitchedinthemiddle on IG to get feedback on potential accessibility issues. Friday is a UX designer and advocates for accessibility in their job so we thought their input would be highly beneficial to Fiber Club. Follow Friday’s blog here.

The alpha test did not start this month as anticipated because we took some time off for a mental reset and the web hosting service that Rommel has used for the past 10 years is dissolving. After researching the best way forward, Rommel had to move everything over to the new server. This not only included Fiber Club, but also his personal website and 10 years of side projects. That said, we have everything else set up for the alpha test we just need to upload to the apple and google app stores.

As always, thank you for all of your support. You can find us @fiber.club on IG or join our Patreon.

And don’t forget to vote if it’s applicable to you!

Originally posted on October 26, 2020



