Illustrator + Timeline Update

Hello hello! We have been working behind the scenes on a few things so I wanted to give an update.

The most exciting news is that we are working with Teri (@commonteri) for the logo design and a few illustrations for Fiber Club. Teri has a degree in drawing and painting, has worked in design for various industries, and is involved in the fiber community. She also did the logo for Promised Fibers (@promised.fibers)! We had our first virtual meeting this week and have plans to get the ball rolling design-wise so we’re off to a great start.

I spoke with a few people about formalizing Fiber Club into a business and was advised to get all of that paperwork in before releasing the app or website. In order to run a business, there is a minimum $800 tax (every calendar year) along with other fees (likely around $300-500) to start the business which would cut significantly into the amount of money we’ve raised. Since the app and website will take 6 months, it makes the most sense to formalize the business at the start of 2021 and then release the app and website after that.

I am a little disheartened with the delay in timeline, but I believe this is the best way forward and hope you can be patient with us as we figure everything out. The reason why Rommel and I want to formalize Fiber Club into a business is because we think it will be successful and to ensure any potential liability falls on the business and not personally on us.

In regards to email updates, I think the reason why our emails weren’t sending properly is because I tried to send way too many emails all of a sudden. To make sure we don’t have any further email issues, I will be sending emails in batches over this next week to ensure that I will be able to update everyone simultaneously moving forward.

The last and final update is with our Patreon account. Thank you again to everyone who has donated to the Patreon. We really appreciate your support. It seems at this time our account has been placed on hold and is under review. We are unsure when we will be able to access your contributions and we are wondering if we should go with a different platform. We will wait a few weeks to see if it sorts itself out but we just wanted you to be aware that there may be a potential change in regards to fundraising in the future.

Again, thank you so much to everyone who believes in us and the mission of Fiber Club. Thank you for all of the questions and feedback given so far. Thank you for signing up to receive email updates and filling out the general and/or designer survey. Thank you to all of you that have volunteered your skills and want to contribute to Fiber Club. We want to ensure we are creating a quality product and we sincerely cannot do it without your help. So thank you again and again, forever and ever.

Check out the Q+A if you haven’t already seen it and follow Fiber.Club’s Instagram.

Originally posted on July 11, 2020



