Mission Statement

As we grow I want to make sure we set up some ground rules so that we’re all on the same page. I’ve listed below what Fiber Club supports and also what we will not tolerate. Please read through the list to see if we are the right platform for you.

Fiber Club will be an app and website to buy and sell fiber-related items and designs, as well as a place to connect with people who share the same passion as you.

We support…

  • Inclusivity – We welcome everyone to Fiber Club including those that don’t know how to craft yet. We also hope to release in multiple languages to ensure as many people as possible can be reached.
  • Accessibility – We will ensure that the platform is as accessible as it can be for all users to the best of our ability.
  • Diversity – We will actively encourage and support BIPOC and up-and-coming designers on Fiber Club.
  • Community – We will foster a club of fibery friends to encourage and support each other in our crafty adventures.

We will not tolerate…

  • Unacceptable behaviors – Includes intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory, or demeaning content.
  • Harassment – Includes offensive comments as related to gender identity, sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion and size; inappropriate sexual images; deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following.

Fiber Club will ultimately reflect the values of its members and we will do everything we can to promote a safe environment.

Edit 1 7/1/2020: I have changed the words “We stand for…” with “We support” as the original wording was ableist. I sincerely apologize for my mistake and will be changing it to “We support” moving forward. Thank you!

Edit 2: 7/1/2020: I included the word “size” within the harassment list to make clear that fatphobic comments are also not allowed.

Originally posted on June 30, 2020



